This essay tells how to fix PC hardware requirements error with Game DVR config.exe download. It allows fine tuning of certain hidden settings like upscaling and bitrates up to 30000. If there are no results, it means the packages are gone.GameDVR_Config is a tool for Game DVR in Windows 10/11 operating systems. Make sure the packages have been removed by running the command from the start again:ĭism /Online /Get-ProvisionedAppxPackages | Select-String PackageName | Select-String xbox

To achieve this, we’ll be using going to be using PowerShell. Today we’re going to show you how to remove the Xbox Game Bar in even the latest builds despite Microsoft’s best efforts. If you have an overlay solution you use already, such as MSI afterburner, Steam, or UPlay, it can also cause problems. This is a natural annoyance for those who never use Xbox Game Bar, keep hitting the shortcut by accident, or have seen performance issues and other bugs in games. Unfortunately, though, these additions have come with a cost: Microsoft has now disabled the option to remove Xbox Game Bar via the programs menu ind Windows 10 settings. Until recently, it hasn’t been particularly useful to gamers, but in the past year or two, it has netted Spotify integration, performance stats, a volume mixer, and third-party offerings. The Xbox Game Bar, successor to Game DVR, was first introduced to Windows 10 in 2016. 2 How to Re-install the Xbox Game Bar After a PowerShell Removal.